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An Introduction to Crystals

What are crystals? A crystal is a piece of a homogeneous solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces. Crystals are said to direct the flow of energy to the person in a particular part of the body and bring balance to a person's energy. Ultimately, they are used to cleanse the person from bad or negative energy believed to cause an illness. Clearing out the bad spiritual energy alleviates the physical ailment. Crystals are used for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. NOTE: Crystals are not meant to be used as a substitute for medicine, merely an additional aide. Do not replace medicine with crystal work.

Okay, so how does it work? Crystals are capable of receiving, containing, projecting, emanating, refracting, and reflecting light – the highest form of energy known in the physical universe. Not only do they move energy around the human form but propel energy around the globe. Crystals operate by naturally focusing and magnifying the body’s innate energies, which dissipate and equalize mental, emotional and psychic stress. They further alleviate suppressed or unreleased pain and help one to make desired shifts in every aspect of one’s being. The results are an elevated quality of life in all areas, including personal growth and optimum health.

With all of this being said, the next step is choosing your crystals. I’m a firm believer in letting your instincts guide you when you first start out. But, each crystal has their own healing properties. For example:

Agate - protection, good luck, balance, strength, inspiration

Amethyst - calming, emotional stability, balance, inner strength, protection from psychic attacks

Aventurine - happiness, peace, healing, prosperity

Calcite - amplifies energy, cleansing, reduce stress, calming, emotional healing, memory

Carnelian - creativity, manifestation, luck, protection

Citrine - does not retain negative energy, thus never needs to be cleansed; creativity, motivation

Clear Quartz - a power stone used to provide extra energy and can be used to charge other items; healing, protection, power, banishing, charging

Fluorite - stability, peace and calm, impartial reasoning, responsibility, concentration, meditation, protection from psychic attacks, self love

Hematite - grounding, deflecting negative energy

Jasper - protection, relaxation, tranquility

Jet - eases grief, protection, banishing

Kyanite - does not retain negative energy, thus never needs to be cleansed; cleansing other stones, tranquility, removing energy blockages, channeling energy

Labradorite - attract success, dreams, reduce stress and anxiety, spiritual connection, transformation, clarity, peace

Milky Quartz - luck, calming, soothing, meditation, purification

Obsidian - grounding, negating and transmuting negative energy

Onyx - grounding

Rose Quartz - self-love, calming, romantic love, and friendship

Selenite - mental clarity, removing energy blockages, cleansing and charging other crystals

Smoky Quartz - grounding, banishing, cleansing, removing emotional blockages

Tiger’s Eye - self-discipline, practicality, protection, grounding, peace, clarity, intelligence, intuition, financial stability, calmness

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