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Methods for Grounding

What is grounding? To ground is an exercise that is used to clear and release excess energy, as well as to renew the energies within oneself and clear out the old. It is also referred to as Earthing. Traditionally done by envisioning roots stretching out from oneself into the ground, like a tree, and connecting through them to the earth. However, it can be done with simple visualization, and does not need to include nature, as long as the cycling of energy is completed. It can be a long and focused ritual, or it can be a simple few movements. There are a variety of ways to ground besides my methods, it can be done in almost any way that cycles new energy in and old energy out.

Grounding is a technique that helps keep someone in the present moment. It is only in the present moment that we can fully live our lives. Grounding techniques can reduce anxiety, quiet the mind, and connect you to your inner voice. These simple techniques can ground you in your own truth and help you get to know your inner self. Grounding is also essential for basic health and survival. Grounding enhances your ability to function effectively on a day-to-day basis. When poorly grounded, your spatial understanding is impaired. You may stumble around physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.

My first method begins with finding a nice, quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Breathe deeply through your diaphragm and gently exhale any tension you might feel, clearing the energy channels of your body. Breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Let your abdomen rise and fall as you breathe. This deep breathing signals the body to relax and helps calm your mind and spirit. Focus on your connection to the earth, feel the Earth pushing the negative energy out of you and replenishing you with its own.

Another method I enjoy is walking mindfully. I do this most often when walking my dog. Mindful walking can be practiced anywhere or anytime. Simply take a walk and be mindful of every sensation you feel. Breathe naturally and fully, deeply filling your lungs with each inhalation, but being careful not to strain in any way. When your attention drifts away from the sensations of walking and breathing, take notice of those thoughts or emotions without judgment and gently direct your awareness back to the present moment, back to the walking.

And ultimately, the most convenient method being carrying a Grounding Stone. A grounding stone is any small stone that helps make you more reality-oriented and pulls you into the current moment. Black obsidian is a good grounding stone to carry or wear in your aura each day. Black tourmaline is one of the most effective stones, as it works for both spiritual grounding and protection. These crystals are easy to obtain as tumble stones, and easy to put one or more of the grounding stones in your pocket every day.

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