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Discovering Your Deity

Be patient. Finding your deity can be overwhelming, and it may not happen overnight. With time, research, and intuition you will find them, and they will find you. As an aid, I offer step by step suggestions. First, follow your interests. Maybe a particular Pantheon speaks to you. Maybe start there. If you’re interested in deities within connection to the sea, or cats. Do some research! Then, look into another interest that may overlap. For example, Kemetism (Ancient Egyptian Pantheon) could be something that speaks to you greatly, and you’ve always felt a strong personal connection with the Sun. Ultimately leading you to the Sun god Ra. Once you’ve landed upon a deity, read into their stories. You’ll know once you’ve found them. And don’t feel restricted to just one deity. You may feel an overwhelming connection to multiple deities. Certain spells and rituals require assistance from specific deities. And if you would prefer to stay open and generalized, or all encompassing and all inclusive, simply calling upon The Goddess and The God are just as powerful. There is no right or wrong way to go about your craft. Once your decision is ultimately made, start looking into how to properly honor the deity you’ve chosen. There is no need to make commitments, and you are perfectly OK to say, “I’m new to this, and I’m trying this out, but I’m interested in worshiping you, no guarantees that it’s gonna end up being my thing though.” So, start exploring! I’ll follow up with posts regarding different Pantheons and their deities as inspiration.

Blessed Be,

~~ Belladonna

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