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Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

Aah - (a.k.a. Aa, Ah) The god of the 360-day Egyptian calendar. He famously lost the other 5 days to Thoth in a game of dice.

Abtu - A fish deity, paired with Anet. Together they swim in front of Ra's boat to warn and protect him from danger.

Ahti - With the body of a hippo and the head of a wasp, this goddess was considered spiteful and chaotic and was rarely worshipped.

Aken - The ferryman who takes dead souls to the afterlife. Is often asleep, which means souls have to wake him for passage.

Aker - An earth god whose primary function is to protect the gateway into and out of the Underworld.

Amathaunta - Brought to Egypt from Sumerian myth, little is known of this goddess other than that she was associated with the sea.

Amaunet - The goddess of the North Wind in Lower Egypt. Also one of the 8 original gods, the Ogdoad.

Amenhotep - A pharoah who constructed so many great buildings he became the god of architecture and construction.

Ament - (a.k.a. Amentet, Amentit) The hostess of the Underworld. Greets new souls brought in by her husband Aken.

Ammit - (a.k.a. Ammam, Amemait, Ammut, Ahemait) A goddess of judgement. If one's soul is judged unworthy at the end of their life, this hippo/lion/crocodile goddess swallows it.

Amn - A greeter goddess of the Underworld. Possibly the same deity as Ament, except she is invisible.

Amsit - (a.k.a. Imset, Imsety) One of the 4 sons of Horus who protected the mummified remains of the dead. Amsit protected jars of livers.

Amun - (a.k.a. Amon, Ammon, Amen) One of the 8 Ogdoads (original gods) of Egypt who through time evolved to become the chief deity of all Egyptian mythology.

Amun Ra - (a.k.a. Amun Re, Amen Ra, Amen Re, Amon Ra, Amon Re, Ammon Ra, Ammon Re) The joining of Amun and Ra into one super-deity which occurred later in Egyptian mythology.

Anat - A war goddess brought to Egypt from Mesopotamia. Was also romantically linked to Set.

Andjety - (a.k.a. Anedjti, Anezti) The god of rebirth in the Underworld. Allowed souls to remain alive after their bodies died. Husband of Anit.

Anet - A fish deity, paired with Abtu. Together they swim in front of Ra's boat to warn and protect him from danger.

Anhur - (a.k.a. Inher, Onuris) A god of creativity who is best known for slaying the enemies of the Egyptian people.

Anit - Goddess of fertility, sex, war, and hunting. Originally from Canaan but also worshipped by early Hebrews.

Ankhet - (a.k.a. Ankt, Anuket) Goddess of the Nile, specifically flooding, fertility, and fertilization.

Anouke - (a.k.a. Anuke) An ancient Egyptian war goddess who was always shown with a bow and arrow.

Anti - An ancient god who became the patron god of ferrymen and travellers by sea.

Anubis - (a.k.a. Anpu, Imeut, Ienpw, Inpu, Lenpw, Yinepu) The jackal-headed god of Death in early Egyptian mythology. He holds the scales that weigh the souls of the dead.

Apedemak - (a.k.a. Apademak) A little known god of the Meroitic people. He had the head of a lion and was considered a warrior god.

Apep - (a.k.a. Aapep, Apepi, Apophis) A god of darkness in the form of a serpent. Would try to swallow sunlight and was the reason for eclipses.

Apis - (a.k.a. Hap, Haap, Hep, Hepi) A holy bull god in Memphis. Any bulls born all black with a white triangle on the forehead were considered him reborn.

Arensnuphis - (a.k.a. Arsnuphis, Harensnuphis, Ari-Hes-Nefer) A lion headed god of Nubia who wore a crown of feathers. His mythological function is unknown.

Aten - (a.k.a. Aten-Ra, Aten-Re, Aton, Aton-Ra, Aton-Re) A little known sun god until Pharoah Amenhotep IV decreed him to be the ONLY god. Also known as the "sun disc".

Atum - (a.k.a. Atum-Ra, Atum-Re, Tem, Tum, Temu) The creator of the world who began life as a single hill emerging from the water. Created the other gods from his semen.

Ba - A fertility god with a ram's head. Women hoping to get pregnant would invoke his name.

Ba-Pef - A minor Egyptian god whose name means "That Soul". Little is known except that he is often sad and woeful.

Babi - (a.k.a. Bab, Babay) A baboon demon who was considered a god of sexual prowess in the underworld. Rarely wore pants.

Banebdjetet - (a.k.a. Banebtetet, Banebdjedet, Banebdedet, Ba-Neb-Tetet, Baneb-Djedet, Banephthysdjedet) An Egyptian ram god from Mendes. Intervened in the great war between Horus and Seth. Possibly the same deity as Ba.

Bast - (a.k.a. Bastet, Ubastet, Ailuros) A famous cat-headed goddess who protected Egyptians from foreign attacks as well as fires. Later became known for cat-like sensuality.

Bat - (a.k.a. Bata) A fertility goddess in the form of a cow. Was known in Upper Egypt.

Benu - A sun god in the form of a golden bird. Is connected to Atum, the creator of the world.

Bes - (a.k.a. Bisu) An ugly, scary looking dwarf god who uses his appearance to ward off evil spirits and vibrations. Commonly invoked for protection.

Beset - Beset is the female version of Bes. Most likely a later spelling of the same name.

Buto - A cobra goddess who protected the pharaohs. Pharaohs would wear a cobra on their crown to invoke her protection.

Chenti-Cheti - A minor Egyptian god who took the form of a crocodile, then later a falcon.

Chenti-Irti - A minor Egyptian god of law and order who took the form of a falcon. Possibly Horus in disguise.

Cherti - (a.k.a. Kherty) Another ferryman of the dead, he took the form of a ram or a man with a ram's head.

Chontamenti - (a.k.a. Chonti-Amentiu, Khentamenti) A death god in Western Egypt. Took the form of a dog with horns and lived in the Underworld.

Dedun - (a.k.a. Dedwen) God of wealth symbolized by his association with then-precious incense.

Dua - The god of toilets and sanitation.

Duamutef - One of the four sons of Horus who protected embalmed stomachs of mummified corpses. Has a jackal's head.

Ehi - (a.k.a. Ihu) The Egyptian god of the sistrum, a rattle used in sacred ceremonies.

Geb - (a.k.a. Keb, Seb, Qeb) God of the Earth. Represented by the goose. His laughter caused earthquakes. His twin sister/consort was Nut, the sky goddess.

Ha - The god of deserts west of Egypt. Had a bull's tail.

Hah - (a.k.a. Heh, Huh, Hu) God of infinity and formlessness. One of the first Egyptian gods who supports the universe. He himself is the symbol for the number 1,000,000.

Hapi - God of the Nile who appears as a man but pregnant looking, representing his dedication to the fertility provided by the Nile.

Hapy - One of the four sons of Horus who protected embalmed lungs of mummified corpses. Has a baboon's head.

Har-Nedj-Hef - An incarnation of the god Horus, this one dedicated to protecting Osiris in the Underworld.

Har-Pa-Khered - (a.k.a. Harpakhered, Har-Pa-Khruti, Harpakhruti) An incarnation of the god Horus, this one as a child sitting on his mother's lap. Was invoked to ward off evil creatures.

Harmakhis - (a.k.a. Harmatchis) An incarnation of the god Horus, this one appearing as the Sphinx of Giza and representing ressurection identified by the setting and rising sun.

Haroeris - (a.k.a. Har-Wer) An ancient incarnation of Horus, considered "Horus the Elder", a combination of falcon-headed Horus and Wer, an ancient creation god.

Hat-Mehit - (a.k.a. Hatmehit, Hatmehyt, Het-Mehit, Hetmehit) A fish goddess primarily worshipped in the Nile Delta. Her husband was Banebdjetet.

Hathor - (a.k.a. Heret) The goddess of Happiness, Frolicing, and Cavorting. Was also a protector of women and had a complex history.

Hauhet - (a.k.a. Hehet) Goddess of infinity and formlessness. The female counterpart to Hah.

Hedetet - A little known goddess who took the form of a scorpion.

Heket - (a.k.a. Hek, Hektet, Heqat, Heget) An Egyptian goddess of childbirth. Was depicted on temple walls as a woman with a frog’s head and on amulets as a frog.

Hemen - A little known Egyptian falcon god.

Hemsut - (a.k.a. Hemuset) A goddess of fate.

Henet - A pelican headed goddess who seemed to be linked to one's passing into the afterlife.

Heptet - The goddess who protected Osiris's body and soul in the afterlife. Had the head of a snake and held twin daggers.

Herishep - (a.k.a. Herishef) A minor god in Northern Egypt, he had a ram's head and horns and was associated with fertility.

Heru-Behudti - Horus in the form of the scorching sun.

Hez-Ur - A little known Egyptian baboon god.

Heka - (a.k.a. Hike) God of magic and magical rituals. Son of the Egyptian creator god Atum.

Horus - The great Egyptian sky god whose eyes were the sun and the moon. Son of Isis and Osiris and nephew of Seth.

Iat - A minor goddess of milk, childbirth, and nursing.

Ihy - God of music and dancing.

Imentet - An ancient Egyptian goddess who welcomed the deceased to the afterlife in Western Egypt.

Imhotep - (a.k.a. Imhetep, Immutef, Iunmutef) A mortal commoner whose brilliance in sculpture, architecture, and mathematics helped him ascend to the rank of a god.

Imiut - An ancient Egyptian god whose name means "He who is in his wrappings". May have been connected with the Underworld.

Iptet - A goddess of childbirth who took on the form of a hippopotamus.

Isis - (a.k.a. Aset) An extremely popular goddess, originally protected sailors but then became the Great Mother Goddess after giving birth to Horus.

Jah - (a.k.a. Joh) A god of the moon.

Kebechet - (a.k.a. Khebhut, Kabehchet) The goddess of embalming fluid used in mummification.

Kebechsenef - One of the four sons of Horus. He would protect the intenstinal remains of the mummified.

Kek - (a.k.a. Kuk, Keket, Keku, Kauket) The great unknown darkness in Egyptian mythology. Took male form as a frog-man and female form as a snake-woman.

Kemur - (a.k.a. Kemwer) An oracular deity taking the form of a pure black bull in the Mnevis region.

Ken - An egyptian love goddess.

Khepri - (a.k.a. Kehperi, Kheper, Kehpera, Chepri) The god of ressurection. Symbolized by the scarab (dung beetle), which became a representation of ressurection itself.

Khnum - (a.k.a. Knum, Khnemu, Kemu, Knouphis, Chnum, Chnemu, Chnoumis, Chnuphis) He is where babies come from according to the ancient Egyptians. He would make a baby's body out of clay then sneak into a woman's home and impregnate her with it.

Khons - (a.k.a. Khonsu, Khensu, Chons) A brilliant young moon god who also was a god of time. Also an exorcist of sorts.

Kneph - (a.k.a. Cneph) One of the first Egyptian gods who is known to be connected to the creation of the universe.

Maat - (a.k.a. Ma'at) Goddess of Justice and Law.

Mafdet - (a.k.a. Maftet) Egyptian goddess of Protection.

Mahes - (a.k.a. Maahes) A lion-headed god of war. Possibly the Eastern Egyptian version of Apedemak.

Mehen - A large snake god who protectively coils around Ra during the night.

Mehurt - (a.k.a. Mehturt, Mehet-Uret, Mehet-Weret) The mother of the sky in Egyptian mythology. Takes form as a cow and represents the flowing water of life.

Menhit - (a.k.a. Menchit) Warrior goddess with the head of a lion and a lust for war. The female version of Mahes.

Monthu - (a.k.a. Mentu, Menthu, Monto, Month) A popular war god in Ancient Egypt. Mostly seen as a falcon-headed man, but occassionally as a white bull with a black face.

Meret - (a.k.a. Mert) Goddess of Rejoicing. Presided over song and dance and was often considered the wife of Hapy.

Meretseger - (a.k.a. Mertseger) Cobra-headed goddess who was both dangerous and merciful. She protected the Valley of the Kings and laid waste to graverobbers.

Meskhenet - (a.k.a. Meskhent) An important goddess of childbirth who breathed the soul into each child as they were born.

Min - The god of male fertility and sexual prowess and potency, once called the Chief of Heaven.

Mnewer - (a.k.a. Mnevis, Mer-Wer) A sacred black bull worshipped in Heliopolis. Was considered an aspect of sun god Atum-Ra and represented virility.

Mut - Mother goddess of nurturing and protecting, she was depicted as a vulture – which ancient Egyptians believed to be excellent parents.

Nephthys - (a.k.a. Neb Hut, Nebthet) Could be called the "goddess of sympathy". Comforts both the living and dead after a person has died. Sister of Isis and Osiris.

Nef - (a.k.a. Nehab) A serpent god.

Nefertem - (a.k.a. Nefer Tem, Nefer Temu, Nefertum) Was born from a blue lotus flower at the beginning of creation. Created mankind from his tears.

Nehebkau - (a.k.a. Nehebkhau, Nehebu Kau) Protects against poisonous snake bites and scorpion stings. Also binds the souls (Ba and Ka) after death.

Neith - (a.k.a. Neit) A goddess of war, hunting, and wisdom. Was very wise and was said to be the mother of Ra.

Nekhbet - (a.k.a. Nekhabed) Patron goddess of the city of Nekheb and seen as an "adoptive mother" in Egyptian myth. Depicted as a white vulture.

Neper - (a.k.a. Nepra, Nepri) A god of grain and corn. Paired with the goddess Nepit.

Nepit - A goddess of grain and corn. Paired with the god Neper.

Nun - (a.k.a. Nu) God of primeival and stormy waters. Was one of the 8 Ogdoad (early gods) of Hermopolis. His wife is Nunet.

Nunet - (a.k.a. Naunet) Goddess of the skies above stormy waters. Was one of the 8 Ogdoad (early gods) of Hermopolis. Her husband is Nun.

Nut - (a.k.a. Nuit, Newet) Goddess of the sky. One of the oldest and most prominent goddesses. Portrayed as a nude woman covered in stars.

Osiris - (a.k.a. Ned Er Tcher, Usire) Former god of vegetation and fertility until he was killed by his brother and ressurrected by his sister. Now the Judge of the Dead.

Petbe - The Egyptian god of revenge.

Ptah - (a.k.a. Ptha) The crafting god who covered all sorts of industry - masonry, craftsmanship, carpentry, sculpture, metalworking, and shipbuilding.

Qetesh - (a.k.a. Qadeshet, Qadesh, Qudshu) A goddess of fertility, representing sacred ecstasy and sexual pleasure.

Ra - (a.k.a. Re) The great sun god. Often considered the most important deity in Egyptian mythology.

Renenet - (a.k.a. Ernutet, Renenutet) Goddess of Prosperity. An important cobra-headed goddess associated with motherhood, the harvest, and the magical properties of linen for mumification.

Renpet - Goddess of youth and the spring season.

Reshep - (a.k.a. Reshpu) Originally known by the Syrians as Ramman, this storm god became an Egyptian war god. Associated with Min and Qadesh.

Sahu - The Egyptian incarnation of the constellation Orion. A star god associated with the change between night and day.

Satet - (a.k.a. Satis, Satjit, Sati, Sates) The Egyptian goddess associated with flooding the Nile River - the key source of life in ancient Egypt.

Sebek - (a.k.a. Sobek, Sochet, Sobk, Sobki, Suchos) The deification of the power of the Egyptian pharoahs. He was associated with the Nile river and had the head of a crocodile.

Seker - (a.k.a. Sokar, Sokaris, Soker) Falcon god of death and ressurection. Shown as a mummified falcon or hawk. Associated with gods Ptah and Osiris.

Sekhmet - (a.k.a. Sachmet, Sachmis, Sekhet, Sakhmet) An important, multi-faceted goddess of war, healing, and the desert. Depicted as a woman with the head of a lioness.

Sepa - (a.k.a. Sep) The god who protected dead bodies from insects. Most often seen in the form of a venemous centipede.

Serket - (a.k.a. Selket, Serqet, Serquet, Selcis) The goddess protector against poisonous animal bites and stings. She wore a scorpion crown.

Seshat - (a.k.a. Sesat, Seshet, Sesheta, Seshata, Safkhet) Her name means "She Who Is A Scribe". This goddess of knowledge, wisdom, and writing is the record keeper of the gods.

Sesmu - (a.k.a. Shesmu, Shezmu, Schezemu, Sezmu) A minor "demonic" god of slaughter. He also embodied blood, wine, pressed oils, and perfumes.

Set - (a.k.a. Seth, Seti, Setekh, Setakh, Setesh, Sutekh, Suty) One of the major gods, representing violence, chaos, and evil, as well as storms, the desert, and foreign wars. Famously killed his own brother Osiris.

Shai - (a.k.a. Shay) The gender-changing god of fate (see Shait). Often seen paired with Renenet (fortune) as the "hands of Toth" - the divine knowledge of the gods.

Shait - The feminine incarnation of Shai (as a goddess rather than as a god).

Shed - He is the god of salvation, tied to Horus in the form of "Horus the Child".

Shesmetet - An ancient Egyptian goddess from the land of "Punt" - a close foreign trading neighbor. Possibly an incarnation of Sekhmet or Bastet.

Shu - (a.k.a. Su) A very ancient Egyptian god of air, father of Nut and Geb (the sky and earth, respectively), and pacifier of the winds and the earth.

Sopdet - (a.k.a. Sothis) Goddess of the star Sirius - the brightest in the night sky - which also represented the upcoming flooding of the Nile.

Sopdu - (a.k.a. Septu, Sopedu, Sopd) A god of war and the sky god of eastern Egypt. Protected Egypt from foreign attacks from the East and by the Red Sea.

Sphinx - With a human head and the body of a lion, the great Egyptian statue is dedicated to the very same figure from Greek mythology.

Tatenen - (a.k.a. Ta-tenen, Tatjenen, Tathenen, Tanen, Tenen, Tanenu, Tanuu) A Memphis god who was associated with creation from the primoridal mounds of the Earth.

Taweret - (a.k.a. Taueret, Taurt, Thoeris, Thureris, Apet, Aptet, Ipy, Ipet, Opet, Reret, Reret Weret) An important goddess of Maternity and Childbirth she took the form of a pregnant hippopotamus.

Tefen - A male associate of Tefnut who helped with the weighing of the hearts of the dead.

Tefnut - (a.k.a. Tefnet, Tefenet, Tphenis) The goddess of moisture in Egyptian myth. She consorted with Shu, the air god to create rain and humidity.

Thoth - (a.k.a. Thot, Tetu, Techu, Tehuty, Tehuti, Tahuti, Djehuty, Zehuti) One of the most powerful and heralded gods in Egyptian mythology. Said to have created himself, then created the Universe.

Tutu - A unique monster god who protected the Egyptian people from demons, ill-willed gods, and later dreams and nightmares.

Un Nefer - A name for either Osiris, Horus, or Ra (depending on who you ask) that refers to one of their roles judging and preparing the dead.

Unut - (a.k.a. Un, Wenut, Wenet) A rare, rabbit-headed goddess who symbolized birth and fertility. Formerly took the form of a swift-moving snake.

Wadj Wer - (a.k.a. Wadj-Wer) A somewhat androgynous god who represents the fertility of water and land, personified by the flooding of the Nile.

Wadjet - (a.k.a. Uadjet) A snake goddess often worshipped along with Bast, she protected pharoahs and pregnant women in cities who worshipped her.

Weneg - (a.k.a. Uneg) A sky and death god who could be invoked via a spell via the Pyramid Texts.

Wepawet - (a.k.a. Wepwawet) A war deity in the form of a wolf. He was first known as a scout, then as one who opened the way to victory, then to the afterlife.

Wosyet - (a.k.a. Waset, Wosret, Wasret, Wosret) A guardian goddess of Thebes whose name means "The Powerful"

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