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Moon Magic

We are all well aware of the power and allure of the Moon. Every single one of us is attuned to it’s cycles. After all, in the most basic explanation- The moon controls the Earth’s tides and gravitational pull, and being that humans are roughly 70% water wouldn’t it make sense? Ultimately each lunar phase is powerful and emits its own frequency of energy and are suited to help one achieve a specific goal.

Waxing Moon (Crescent/Gibbous) Theses are the phases when the Moon appears to be growing, divided into the first and second quarter it lasts for about 14 days. The moon is becoming more and more illuminated, so this is a good time to focus on growth - such as bringing something new into your life or improving yourself somehow, for drawing things towards you. Good spells to do at this time include spells for motivation or dedication, fertility, making new habits, and improving relationships or communication.

New Moon This is when the Moon is just a sliver in the sky, nearly invisible to the naked eye. From this point it would take the Moon nearly 14 days to reach full (first quarter). Now that the moon is hidden from the earth, this is a good time to do work related to secrecy and “invisibility”. Since the new moon is followed by the moon becoming more visible, this is also a good time to “plant seeds” of a spell that you want to grow in power over time. Good spells to do at this time would be spells for keeping something hidden, privacy, protecting objects from prying eyes, as well as spells of reinvention, starting new, and growth.

Full Moon The full Moon is considered the most powerful, due to it shining at it’s full brightness. This is often times commemorated with a ritual, or Esbat. Ultimately being the predominantly used lunar phase for spell work. This is a good time to reflect and focus on illuminating areas of your life. It’s time to reap the rewards of your growth over the last month and find understanding within yourself to work further towards prosperity and success. Good spells to work on at this time include, but are not limited to spells for understanding, prosperity, success, magical powers, cleansing and protecting.

Waning Moon (Crescent/Gibbous) This is when the Moon seems to be disappearing, being divided into the third and fourth quarters, including the Dark Moon. Taking about 14 days to complete its cycle. The Moon is becoming less visible, making it a perfect time to “shrink” or push out other areas of your life. This is good for shrinking other people’s power over you, breaking spells or curses, breaking bad habits, and protection and healing, banishing, and cleansing.

Blue Moon When there are two full moons in one month, the second full moon is referred to as a blue moon. Considered the more powerful of the two, the blue moon is thought to be a time of extra luck and magic. Occurring approximately once every two and a half years, this rare occasion is a wonderful time to meditate on your goals and accomplishments. A perfect time for spells of luck, abundance, and prosperity.

Lunar Eclipse This rare event occurs when the Earth is in direct alignment between the sun and the moon and passes into the Earth’s shadow. A lunar eclipse can be total, meaning that the moon is in front of the Earth and completely blocks the sun or partial, where the moon is further away than the Earth and casts a solar ring around it. This is a time of change and transformation.



Esbats are the celebration of the 13 Full Moons within a year. Sometimes there are more within a year, due to Blue Moons. These Esbats being:

The Wolf Moon. A time for heightened awareness. It is the first full moon of the year. Representing determination and focused energy, it is a good time to charge crystals.

Snow Moon. A time of Protection and cherishing what you hold sacred.

Crow Moon (or Worm Moon). Time for new inspirational ideas, energy, invigoration, and excitement. It’s time to purge what no longer serves and focus on new beginnings.

Pink Moon. A time of motivation, being hopeful, positive, and optimistic.

Flower Moon. It’s time to find your flow and work with lighthearted ease. Perfect for refreshing.

Strawberry Moon. A time of mindfulness and appreciating what you have.

Thunder Moon. A time of increased creativity and intensified emotions.

Sturgeon Moon. Time to ignite your inner flame. For being passionate and wild.

Full Corn Moon (or Harvest Moon). A time for preparation and Tying up loose ends.

Harvest Moon (or Hunters Moon). A time of Magic. To be restful, peaceful.

Beaver Moon. This time is Soothing and peaceful. Meant for relaxation and reflection. To release impurities.

Cold Moon. A time of sincerity and honesty. To see clearly what you want/who you want to be.


Astrological Moon Magic

Moon in Aries

Spells involving authority/leadership, willpower and rebirth, spiritual conversion. Healing rituals for ailments of the face, head, or brain are also done during this period of time.

Moon in Taurus

Spells involving love, real estate, and money, material acquisitions. Healing rituals for ailments of the throat, neck, and ears are also done during this period of time.

Moon in Gemini

Spells involving communication, public relations and travel, change of residence, and writing. Healing rituals for ailments of the shoulders, arms, hands, or lungs are also done during this period of time.

Moon in Cancer

Spells involving domestic life, for home, and honoring lunar deities. Healing rituals for ailments of the chest or stomach are also done during this period of time.

Moon in Leo

Spells involving power over others, courage, child birth, authority, and fertility. Healing rituals for ailments of the upper back, spine, or heart are also done during this period of time.

Moon in Virgo

Spells involving employment matters, health, dietary concerns, and intellectual matters. Healing rituals for ailments of the intestines or nervous system are also done during this period of time.

Moon in Libra

Spells involving court cases, partnerships and unions, mental stimulation, karmic, spiritual, or emotional balance, and artistic matters. Healing rituals for ailments of the lower back or kidneys are also done during this period of time.

Moon in Scorpio

Spells involving secrets, power and psychic growth, sexual matters, and fundamental transformations. Healing rituals for ailments of the reproductive organs are also done during this period of time.

Moon in Sagittarius

Spells involving publications, sports, the truth, legal matters, and travel. Healing rituals for ailments of the liver, thighs, or hips are also done at this time.

Moon in Capricorn

Spells involving career, political matters, ambition, organization, recognition, and career. Healing rituals for the knees, bones, teeth, and skin are also done at this time.

Moon in Aquarius

Spells involving science, freedom, personal/creative expression, problem solving, friendship, extrasensory abilities, and the breaking of bad habits or unhealthy addictions. Healing rituals for ailments of the calves, ankles, or blood are also done at this time.

Moon in Pisces

Spells involving music, telepathy, clairvoyance, dream work, and creative arts. Healing rituals for ailments of the feet or lymph glands are also done at this time.

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