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Casting a Circle

A magical circle is an energetic construct that you build or envision around yourself before working magic, doing a ritual, some like to cast a circle before meditating or reading tarots. Here’s a few things to remember when casting your circle. Circles can be cast alone or with others. Circles can be cast indoors and outdoors. You can decorate and dress up for your Circle casting. Decide in advance what will be done in the Circle. There is no right way to cast a Circle. This is simply how I choose to cast my own. Why should you cast a circle? Circles can be cast for a number of reasons. Linking together the energy of a group of people for a specific purpose, Creating a sacred space for deity worship and ritual. Making a safe space where no malevolent energy can pass through, for drawing, containing and banishing the energy of something unsavory, or Amplifying and focusing your own energy. Do you have to? Not at all. I think this is one of the biggest misconceptions about circles. There’s a lot of reasons why it is a good idea, but it’s down to personal preference. Some people don’t like the formality of it. Personally, I do it when performing stronger spells in order to harness as much energy as possible. I also Cast a circle when I feel the need for protections, especially when working with spirits. Otherwise, I don’t really think about it. So, let’s get started!

First, gather the things you need:

  • Something to draw your circle with (chord, sand, salt, chalk, tape) I recommend having a designated cloth when working with sand or salt to make the clean up easier.

  • A Besom, which is a ritual broom.

  • Incense or a smudge stick

  • Holy water or salt water

  • An athame or wand

  • A lighter

  • 4 candles

First, physically clean your space by vacuuming or sweeping before lightly sweeping your besom to remove bad energies. Feel positive energy flow down from your hands and body into the Besom, having the energy strike the floor.

Make Sure to have everything for your ritual inside of the circle. Physically step outside of the circle and make a physical representation of the circle with the cord, salt, sand, etc. **DO NOT MAKE A FULL CIRCLE UNTIL YOU GET INSIDE** Once inside, close the circle and call to the guardians of the Watchtowers.

“Guardians of the Watchtowers, spirits of the North, South, East, and West. Hear me now and lend me your power to guard this holy circle from all things dark, negative, or evil. Come into my temple with me, be at one with me, so that the Gods and Goddesses can come here in peace to share my sacred space.”

Light South Candle. Guardians of the South, lend me your love.

Light North Candle. Guardians of the North, lend me your spirituality.

Light West Candle. Guardians of the West, lend me your judgement.

Light East Candle. Guardians of the East, lend me your divination.

So, mote it be.

Burn the incense or smudge stick and begin the chant:

“Bless, cleanse, consecrate and purify this temple in the name of the almighty deities; that nothing dark, negative, or evil shall be a part of it. Let nothing of this nature trespass within these temple walls. I caste it out, for it is not needed here. In the name of the almighty deities, so be it.”

Sprinkle Holy water/Salt water clockwise and chant:

“Bless, cleanse, consecrate and purify this temple; that it be made pure and holy for the Gods and Goddesses themselves. And nothing dark, negative, or evil shall be part of it. In the name of the almighty deities, so be it.”

Point the wand/athame to the sky and imagine a pure white light from all other realms, coming into the athame/wand and into your body until it has been engulfed your body as well as the whole circle, and call to your deities.

“Lords and Ladies (insert deities names), I praise your holy name. My temple now has been made ready, holy and pure. That nothing dark negative, or evil shall trespass herein. This is only a temple for you- for me to visit you and be at one with you. Please lend me your audience and bless me with your presence. Blessed Be.”

Begin your ritual, do not step out of the circle until the ritual is complete. Perform a cutting in the circle with the wand or athame, making a door- left to right. Do it in the same way coming back in.

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